We have spacious playrooms that are thoughtfully planned into specific learning zones to allow our children to explore and develop. Each room has a senior nursery nurse that will lead her team of experienced and devoted staff to provide a child centred approach to learning. Please click on the images below for more information about each of our rooms.
Sunshine Room - 0 to 2's
Rainbow Room - 2 to 3's
Nurture and wellbeing continue to be of vital importance in the Rainbow room as we support children’s developing independence skills and strive to build children’s confidence while encouraging and respecting their choices as individuals. Staff in the rainbow room understand the importance of interactions and allowing the children to take the lead in their own learning and play, as their curiosity guides them to explore and experiment in our safe and stimulating environment.
Busy Bee Room - 3 to 5's
Staff in the Busy Bee room focus on building relationships and getting to know each child as an individual to best support them in their journey to school.
Alongside the engaging continuous provision that children can explore during free play, our dedicated staff team offer purposeful experiences to encourage learning through play in a way that is inclusive of all children’s individual stage of development, interests, and preferred learning styles. Children are encouraged to learn at their own pace in a nurturing, positive environment in a way that builds their confidence and understanding of the world around them.
At Barrachnie Nursery we understand the importance of fresh air, which is why all our children have the opportunity to access our secure garden daily.
Our outdoor space is used as an extension of our playrooms with the option of free play, and a variety of engaging outdoor experiences for all age groups including den building, assault courses, and talent shows on our very own stage. The garden provides an ideal environment for staff to not only support children in physical and risky play, as they build confidence and develop gross motor skills, but also to accommodate calming, creative and nurturing experiences such as bubbles, outdoor artwork, and story times. As we don’t believe in bad weather, just bad clothing, we encourage all parents to ensure they provide appropriate outdoor clothing for all weather.
Our onsite cook Christine, makes a freshly cooked 3 course meal daily for lunchtime (all recipes are available upon request) as well as morning and afternoon snacks, all meals are served with delicious fresh fruit and/or vegetables. We wold love some parent suggestions of healthy meals your children would like to see on our menu.

Opening Hours
Monday- Friday 8AM – 6PM
50 weeks per year*
Minimum 1 day per week
*closed for 2 weeks over the festive break.
Request a call back.
Please complete the form and a member of our team will be in contact with you as soon as possible. Thank you